Of course, it now being near the end of Week 3, and I'm finally getting around to posting the rest of Week 2; Och, life. Week Two went like this: Oh crap oh crap oh crap. Need a job. Need to sell our house. Money. Och. Oy. In other words, reality started to settle in. House Bean was on the phone constantly with the folks doing the work on our house, and trying to get ahold of our listing agent, who is a pretty effective saleswoman but she seems to keep forgetting that it is she who is working for us. House Bean had known that he would have to head back down to finish things up, and he left at the end of the week taking Number One Son with him. In the meantime, I put in applications for several non-teaching jobs, and got registered with Lane County as a substitute teacher in the event that I am not offered a position by this fall. House Bean also bought me a bicycle, and we bought a Burley trailer. Number One Son spent a lot of time at the pool, so we didn't see him much.
Coming soon: Week Three, or, how I learned to stop worrying and just say, "To hell with it."