Friday, December 07, 2007

Tagged by Elisa

I hate these things.

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
  1. Attending UCSC.
  2. Living in Santa Cruz.
  3. Going Lindy Hop dancing as much as possible (Lindy in the Park was only 1 year old!)
  4. Ending a misguided long-distance relationship with a depressed bipolar individual.
  5. Math. Lots of math.
5 Things on my to-do list today:
  1. Sit and be sick.
  2. Watch movies.
  3. Grade Geometry tests.
  4. Sit and be sick.
  5. Eat popcorn.
5 Snacks I enjoy:
  1. Popcorn with butter and parmesan cheese.
  2. Tortilla chips and cheese
  3. Quesadillas
  4. Cheese.
  5. Cheese.
5 Songs I know the lyrics to:
  1. Violent Femmes's first album (that's a generational thing)
  2. Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
  3. Hot Rocks Polka (Al Yankovic)
  4. Sunday in the Park with George
  5. In My Merry Oldsmobile
5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire:
  1. Remodel the house (this from my House Bean).
  2. Buy a better bicycle.
  3. Buy the house next door and remodel it.
  4. Plant a bunch of fruit trees.
  5. Get our backyard landscaped, patio in the back.
5 Bad Habits:
  1. I don't call people.
  2. I don't like to answer the phone.
  3. I'm not good at finishing things.
  4. Getting angry.
  5. Not mentionable here.
5 Things I'd never wear again:
  1. Big plastic glasses.
  2. Spike heels.
  3. Miniskirts.
  4. Anything tight.
  5. Underwire bra.
5 Things I like to do:
  1. Sleep.
  2. Sit Zazen.
  3. Eat.
  4. Drink tea.
  5. Pee.
(All of the above from my daughter)

5 Favorite Toys:

  1. My computer.
  2. My sewing machine.
  3. The stuffed rocking tiger.
  4. Digging fork.
  5. Sparkly lights for my bike.

5 People I tag:

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Hillary Clinton
  3. Mike Huckabee
  4. Bruce Willis
  5. Sandra Bernhardt